Geetha Madhuri emerged as the runner-up with Tanish Alladi emerged as the second-runner-up. Kaushal Manda emerged as the title winner of BB Telugu 2 with a prize amount of 50 Lakh. He has been loved by the audience as a host and announced the winner on the basis of the votes the contestant received in the grand finale of Season 1. Siva Balaji emerged as the Winner of Star Maa Bigg Boss Telugu Season 1, hosted by none other than Jr NTR. Check out here for all the information like Bigg Boss Vote Telugu Season 5, Bigg Boss Telugu 5 Eliminations, and Bigg Boss Telugu Vote Count.īigg Boss Telugu Winners List So Far Star Maa Bigg Boss Season 1 Winner After the result has been announced, the person who receives lesser votes have to come out of the decorative house.
The Bigg Boss Vote Telugu Result of the elimination process will be announced during the weekend of the show by the host Akkineni Nagarjuna. The result announcement is directly told to the Bigg Boss contestants by the host through the video. Bigg Boss Vote Telugu Result | Bigg Boss Telugu 5 Winner The Bigg Boss Telugu vote counts will be clearly shown in intervals in Star Maa channel at the bottom of the screen. In the final week of Bigg Boss, the channel Star Maa Television will display the live vote count of individual contestants.
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The Bigg Boss Telugu Vote Result of the elimination process will be announced during the weekend of the show by the host Nagarjuna Akkineni. The result announcement is directly told to the Bigg Boss contestants by the host through the video, fondly called as Mana TV by the Nagarjuna. After the result has been announced, the person who receives lesser votes will be sent out. With that feature, you can vote to save your favourite Bigg Boss contestant in the Hotstar Web or Hotstar App. In the Hotstar website or application, you will see the Vote button below the latest video when the Bigg Boss Telugu show is being telecasted.
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How to Vote for Bigg Boss Telugu Contestants through Hotstar Web / Hotstar App Once the contestant list is out, A dedicated number will be assigned for each contestant. A maximum of 10 calls per number is counted for a week and the calls after that will not be considered for voting. You can vote for your favorite contestant by giving a missed call to the number that is mentioned below. The call numbers will be provided for each contestant. Telugu Bigg Boss 5 Vote: Voting by Missed Call is pretty simple. Star Maa Bigg Boss Telugu Vote Missed Call Numbers
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How to Vote Star Maa Bigg Boss Telugu Online via Hotstarįor your queries on “ How to Vote for Bigg Boss Telugu?” below are the answers: The Contestants who fail in convincing the audience may eliminate from the show. Step by Step Procedure for Bigg Boss Telugu Vote Season 5īigg Boss Telugu Online Voting Method: There are two methods by which the viewers can cast votes for their favorite participant one is a Bigg Boss Online Voting and the other is by Missed Call Voting.